How ToTurn Your Weber Grill Into A Wood Fired Pizza Oven

Turn Your Weber Kettle Grill Into A Pizza Oven

The New Kettle Pizza

There's a new gadget in town for that Weber Kettle Charcoal Grill. It can turn your Weber BBQ grill into a pizza oven. Now if you ask, Why turn your Weber kettle grill into a pizza oven? Well, if you ever tried to make pizza on a grill you know that it can be a challenge! Keeping a consistent temperature in the cooking chamber is tough because the built up heat is lost every time you remove the cover. What often happens is that the dough cooks faster than the toppings, resulting in a burned bottom or uncooked top. I am an inventor and for the past six months have been working on solving this problem. I have developed a really cool product that will turn any kettle grill (like a Weber kettle grill) into a real kettle pizza oven.  

Hasty Bake Hasty-Bake Portable Stainless Charcoal Grill Hasty Bake Hasty-Bake Portable Stainless Charcoal Grill
Hasty-Bake Portable Stainless Charcoal Grill

Hasty Bake Hasty-Bake Portable Stainless Charcoal Grill

Wood Fired Grills-The Best Tasting Grilled Meats

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